POKETLE Official Store ONLY THE NECESSARY ~only the necessary ~ 120ml mini bottle that fits in your pocket We want to continue to be a brand that is friendly to the environment and resources. We also have items from POKETLE and related brands.
POKETLE(ポケトル)は新しいドリンクライフを創造し誕生したブランドです。物が溢れ、使い捨てる事があたりまえな世の中で~必要な分だけ~をBrand philosophyとし、環境や資源に優しいブランドであり続けたいと思っています。

VETLER” is a homeware brand that combines simplicity and style. They are a daily goods manufacturer that creates products based on the concept of “tools you want to use for a long time.”Drawing inspiration from traditional European industrial products and everyday
items used worldwide, they reconstruct and propose simple, functional, and long-lasting products from their unique perspective.

TANOJI is an image of the center of Kyoto, which is made up of the character for “田”. Just as we rediscover the wonders of Japan when we visit other countries, we want to share with as many people as possible the new sensations we feel when we come into contact with the wonderful techniques, materials, and climates of all of Japan. It is with this in mind that this brand was born.
A lifestyle brand that creates products based on the concept of “THE TOOLS FULFILL YOUR HEART”

…yep, this is the one.